martedì 10 maggio 2016

Storia della birra in Inghilterra e stili birrai.

Ho pubblicato un guest post su Birra per tutti:

mercoledì 7 marzo 2012

Kiva Free Trials

As you might know, I love kiva very much, and I'm writing here to share with you the possibility to try the "service" for free: Kiva is giving free trials that allow you to finance a loan for 25$ and follow the project on the website.

Invite link for free trials is here:

Kiva - loans that change lives

venerdì 13 gennaio 2012

Invite all friends - update for Chrome Users

A small update to my "famous" post:

The new version of Chrome (and Chromium based browser) does not allow to paste links starting with "javascript:" into the browser bar.

To use the script, you need to open the javascript console (press ctr + shift + J) and paste it there, without the javascript: part. Chrome script are:

Version 1:

elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

Version 2:
var elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for(var count=0;count<elms.length;count++){var t = setTimeout("elms["+count+"].click()",100)}

Let me use this post also to "sponsor" a very nice, non-profit site: Kiva - loans that change lives
Kiva allows you to lend small amount of money to a specific low-income entrepreneur and project across the globe. Please take a look!

venerdì 18 marzo 2011

mercoledì 16 marzo 2011

Inviting all your friends to facebook events: update March 2011

Update 13/01: Update for chrome user published
Update 18/03: Here is a video explaining how to use the script!
Update 17/03: version 2 of the code

Facebook just changed (on march 15th 2011) the way to invite friends to event, so a new script is needed.
The code I came up with is:
Version 1:
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for (i=0;i<elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type="checkbox" )elms[i].click()};

Version 2:
javascript:var elms=document.getElementsByName("checkableitems[]");for(var count=0;count<elms.length;count++){var t = setTimeout("elms["+count+"].click()",100)}

Since now the facebook system uses lazy loading, only the first 100 friends are selected.
You can prevent this by scrolling to the end of the friend list before applying the script!

As before, the script can take a long time (several minutes for thousands of friends) before actually selecting every friend, so just wait.

If your friends are not too many, you can also create different lists of 100 friends each, and apply the script on each list.

I tested version1 with Chrome, other tested firefox 4 and opera. let me know of problems or better solutions!
Some people reported browser crashes.
The script is probably intensive for a high number of user (i could not test more than 500 :D). In case, try version 2!

I posted 2 version: the first is the "normal" one. The second might be a bit slower, but should avoid browser chrashes (I hope!). I'm still working on a faster version, so check back ;)

How to use it:
Triple click on the script (version1 or version 2) to select it.
Copy (ctr+C) the above script.
Go to the event page and select "invite friends". When the menu opens, select your friend list (or just leave "all friends"). Scroll to the end of the panel, and then past into the url bar the script (ctr+v).
Wait a bit (maybe more than a bit!), and you should find all of your friend selected.
Submit the invite and you're done!
Let me know if this doesn't work. For a guide with screenshots check

Special instruction for use on Chrome:

A video is also available here.

(see for instruction in ITALIAN)

lunedì 20 dicembre 2010

altre release welld

Altri lavori pubblicati di recente: Startup svizzera giornalismo vini da Bonassola rivista online della società di Ultrasonologia della Svizzera Italiana associazione culturale milanese corsi di spinning a Missaglia

martedì 9 novembre 2010

LAST-Laboratorio Artistico Società Trasversali: Corso di Film-Making

LAST-Laboratorio Artistico Società Trasversali: Corso di Film-Making: "12 incontri settimanali per approfondire il mondo della comunicazione visiva. Il corso è rivolto ai principianti che si vogliono avvavvicinare all’arte di narrare per immagini..."

site by  wellD, web-communication, Lugano