lunedì 13 ottobre 2008

Tetrapak - dillo a tutti..

Di solito sono le pubblicità svizzere a spiazzarmi.. questa volta pero' è tutto un capolavoro italiano. Da un po' a milano troneggiano cartelloni giganti di questo sentore:

Un'informazione importante (io onestamente pensavo di no)..E una campagna piuttosto massiccia.. Ma mi sembra che manchi qualcosa.. I cartelloni infatti non riportano altro. Spazio al messaggio principale, che rimanga impresso..e al perentorio ordine di spargere la voce.

Benissimo, vado volentieri a dirlo in giro:

"Ciao Nonna, ma lo sai che il Tetra Pak è riciclabile? Perchè noi lo buttiamo sempre?"
"Ah si? Il cartone del latte? E dove devo buttarlo?"
"con la plastica? Con la carta?"
"..aspetta che faccio un altro giro in metro.."

ma niente da cartellone gigante non riporta altro! Devo dire in giro di riciclare il Tetra Pak..senza poter dire dove buttarlo!

Dopo aver accumulato cartoni per latte e succhi per qualche settimana, visto che cominiciavano a occupare un po' troppo posto in cucina, ho fatto un lungo giro sul sito internet dell'iniziativa e ho finalmente trovato, in una pagina piccola e isolata..Che la soluzione, per Milano, è il cestino della carta! Ci voleva tanto a scriverlo in quei bei cartelloni del Metro?

giovedì 5 giugno 2008

Creating a select for all nations using asp.

A little web development parenthesis.
Yesterday I needed to ass to a website's registration form the choice of nation, including all existing nations.
I wanted to make a "select", with the possibility to preselect a specific nation, or the user previous choice.
Since I didn't find any available code online, I'll post here my solution, using asp and a text file.

You just need an ASP server (but the code can be easily adapted to other languages) and a text file with the nations you'd like to show, one nation per line. In my site I used this file, including all nations in Italian.
Whit asp (or your server side languages) you just need to read the file line by line and build your select.
Here's the code I used:

'variable holding preselected value. Could be retrieved from user's recordset
Nation = "Italy"

'filestream opening
filename = Server.MapPath("/Nations.txt")
Set objFile = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set filestream = objFile.OpenTextFile(filename, 1, true)

'variable holding values read from textfile
Dim ActualNation
ActualNation = filestream.ReadLine()

'printing select start, and first option (might be set as default)
<select name="Nation" id="Nation">
<option value="0">
Select your nation:
'cycle to build the different options and set selected item
DO WHILE NOT filestream.AtEndOfStream %>
<option value="<%=ActualNation%>" <%IF Nazione=ActualNation THEN %> selected="selected" <%END IF%> ><%=ActualNation%></option>
<% ActualNation = filestream.ReadLine()
'select closing tag
'closing filestream
Set filestream = Nothing
Set objFile = Nothing

And here's the result:

Hope this can be useful to someone.. Please provide comments, suggestions and improvements!

PS: still no news from protector.. But a new great game demo is out there:

martedì 29 aprile 2008

Youtube Playlist embed

Here's the "new" youtube tool to embed entire playlists. Finally something to show a full set of video on a site.. Here are a few ones, from Cameroun!..

Sorry for the lack of updates on Defender maps and codes, but I'm waiting for the protector level creator!

domenica 10 febbraio 2008

Protector is finally out!

Protector, the game that follows Uo:Defender has finally been released!

Noxins, the author, promises great development for the future.. But for the moment no editor is provided!

Go play!

Edit: the game is now available also on Newgrounds.!

domenica 27 gennaio 2008

UO: Defender - news for Noxins

I'm sorry I haven't posted new maps or codes in the last month, but I'm very busy..
I have instead an interestin news from Noxins, UO:defender creator.
Finally some update from his site:

blog post
the interesting part is:

the Defender remake is steadily nearing completion..

waiting for that!

giovedì 10 gennaio 2008

Sesto's Spice Girls!

here are our friends from GASC performing as Spice Girls in Marmaja (Cusano Milanino).

Take a look

lunedì 7 gennaio 2008

U comment, I follow

this blog is now "nofollow free".
What does thism mean? URLs in comments will now be followed by bots and search engine!

Blogger uses the "nofollow tag" in comments by default, but it's possible and easy to remove it:

just go under "template" and "edit html".

Check "Expand Widget Templates".

search for

<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>

and cancel the "rel='nofollow'" part! Only
<a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl'>

should remain.

it's easy and fast!

site by  wellD, web-communication, Lugano