sabato 23 giugno 2007

Blonde Redhead in Milan

Here's the list of songs I knew at the 20th june 2007 concert at Rolling Stone, Milan. I'm not good at remembering songs titles, so I'll write down the lyrics that helped me retrieve 'em.

  • Falling man ..I know a ghost can walk through the walls, but I'm just a man still learning how to fall..
  • Equus ..Adore you..
  • In particular
  • Melody of certain Three ..All is Well..
  • Misery is a Butterfly
  • Melody

All other song were from the new Album, thus unknown to me..
This reminds me of the musical sites than I'd like to build.. And about merging them.. But I haven't time to talk about 'em now..

domenica 17 giugno 2007

Le poste fanno spam!

Ogni giorno ricevo sul mio account mail (che purtroppo non posso permettermi di abbandonare) un buon numero di mail provenienti dalle poste italiane.

Un classico caso di Phishing, su cui c'e' poco da dire (a parte che i filtri di libero fanno schifo). Ma sperimentando con Google Adwords (per la promozione del blog di paolo) ho scoperto che le poste stesse stanno facendo campagne pubblicitarie equiparabili a "spam" sul motore di ricerca.. Provate a cercare "canzoni dal cameroun" (o da qualunque altro paese). Ripetendo la ricerca prima o poi verrà fuori il seguente Ad:
Che porta all'home page delle poste italiane, che con la musica, le canzoni e il Cameroun non ha nulla a che fare..

Ora, non sto seguendo molto la questione e non so che cosa stian facendo le poste per contrastare il phishing e difendere la propria reputazione. Ma una campagna ingannatoria del genere non mi sembra molto utile né allo scopo promozionale né a preservare un'autorevolezza come istituzione..

mercoledì 13 giugno 2007

Troubles with google strike

I read in my Google Reader that bloggers are experimenting a Strike "against" Google. I think Cantoni and Fare talked about that at lessons. I don't even rember if the strike is today, and what the rules are, but, even if I'm not a blogger this is what I'm trying to do:

avoid searching with google, msn, yahoo and ask for 24 hours.

I figured out how difficult that is. I instantly declined the idea of striking on all of google's stuff. I use gmail as main address, and I need Google Docs for University Projects and work.
Avoiding just the web search is surprisingly hard. When I'm looking for something, I use firefox provided search. Obviously google based. Moreover, I have a lot of websearch to do for a project in the university.

The first altenative engine I tought of was ChaCha, where live guides can serch for you (yes, real person). I used it to search the 100 alternative search engine suggested by the post, and I checked them. I found in the article many intresting examples for specific uses, but nothing for the fast searches I needed to do. The 100 list followed and I tried some random one, but none seemed to fit my needs. The best one sent me on Google results page for my query, brutally interrupting my strike. So i keeped searching with ChaCha text based interface (full of sponsored results), and bothering some guide with my questions about university in various country.

I'd like to put some link for you, but I'm late with my homework..and I don't like the idea of searching those for you ;) So.. go search yourself..and don't use google! If you find something useful for helping me with my strike, you're welcome!

venerdì 8 giugno 2007

Sand Blog: linking to Chris Blackeby

Chris Blackeby: A Pictorial Whirwhind Catch Up Thing

trying again with the "link to this post" functionality..
Link to the former post is not on Chris page.
Chris did you remove me? Sorry for practicing with your page, but it's the first link to this post i found available!
Maybe the problem is my blog public state wasn't set yet

domenica 3 giugno 2007


as the title says, this blog is meant to experiment with blogspot functionalities, widgets and adSense.
I'm afraid you won't find much of interest at the moment, but maybe one day..

site by  wellD, web-communication, Lugano