venerdì 14 dicembre 2007

UO:Defender dirty flying things enemy wave

Here's another interesting enemy wave I made, with only flying enemies. I think it's pretty difficult, but expect your comments

Here's the code to copy and paste!

30#mongbat#Lil'bats#poison#fire#true#false#false#false#true#2#18#25#1#1#slime#mongbatenter#false@50#mongbat#More bats#poison#physical#true#false#false#false#true#2#16#28#1#1#money#mongbat#false@30#mongbat#Fire bats#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#2#18#46#2#2#fireball#fireball#false@50#mongbat#More fire bats!#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#true#2#20#50#2#2#fireball#fireball#false@10#harpy#Few Harpies#physical#cold#false#false#false#false#true#2#20#70#2#2#harpy#harpyenter#false@1#evilmage#Flying Mage Carota#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#1#13#580#15#100#human#humanenter#true@40#mongbat#black bats#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#true#2#20#66#2#2#mongbat#mongbatenter#false@35#harpy#Harpy Swarm#cold#energy#false#false#false#true#true#2#28#60#2#2#harpy#harpyenter#false@20#evilmage#Flying mages!#cold#energy#false#false#false#false#true#2#10#80#2#3#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@32#evilmage#Mage fighters#energy#physical#false#true#false#false#true#2#28#100#2#3#human#fireball#false@90#mongbat#Bat storm!!!#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#true#2#11#50#3#3#orc#orcenter#false@6#evilmage#Elite Mages#physical#energy#false#false#true#false#true#2#135#500#15#25#money#explosion#true@90#harpy#Harpy birthday#cold#energy#false#false#false#false#true#3#6#30#1#1#headless#headlessenter#false@32#harpy#Harpy Nesters#physical#cold#true#false#true#true#true#2#18#90#3#3#harpy#harpyenter#undefined@23#evilmage#Elder mages#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#2#15#210#3#3#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@10#evilmage#Retiring mages#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#true#1#125#1300#20#25#ogre#ogreenter#false@1#evilmagelord#Flying mage Seno#energy#physical#true#true#true#true#true#1#30#2000#30#150#ogre#earthellieenter#true@50#skeleton#Flying Dead#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#true#2#16#200#5#6#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@50#headless#Really Lost Headless#cold#energy#false#false#false#false#true#3#18#150#4#5#headless#headlessenter#false@1#earthellie#Flying mage negato#energy#physical#true#false#true#true#true#1#22#3800#45#200#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@30#harpy#Sexy harpies#cold#fire#false#false#true#false#true#2#18#225#5#7#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@35#evilmage#mages reserves#cold#fire#false#false#true#false#true#2#18#285#5#7#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@50#evilmage#Giant mages#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#2#18#310#7#10#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@50#evilmage#More mages #physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#2#18#400#7#15#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@35#harpy#Enraged Harpies#physical#energy#false#false#false#true#true#3#22#250#6#6#harpy#harpyenter#false@50#mongbat#Incredible bats#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#true#2#28#320#6#8#skeleton#skeletonenter#true@10#evilmage#nasty old mages#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#1#90#2000#50#100#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@60#harpy#Harpies Legion#physical#cold#false#false#false#false#true#2#10#250#7#7#orc#orcenter#true@34#zombie#airborne Zombies #poison#fire#true#false#true#false#true#1#12#800#8#8#zombie#zombieenter#true@1#evilmagelord#The crappy mage#energy#physical#true#true#true#true#true#1#12#6600#80#300#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@40#harpy#Elite harpies#cold#fire#true#false#true#false#true#2#30#400#8#8#skeleton#slime#true@99#mongbat#Shadow bats storm#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#4#6#200#9#9#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@10#evilmagelord#Mages Elite#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#true#1#112#3500#60#150#orc#orcenter#true@68#harpy#Trained harpies#physical#energy#true#true#false#false#true#4#10#180#4#5#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@1#i-c#THE STRONG ONE#physical#energy#true#true#true#true#true#1#12#25500#200#305#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@

venerdì 30 novembre 2007

UO:Defender Editor Custom Map3 Medium Giant (18*21)

Here is this friday's custom map for UO:Defender, a fantasy based defense game with a good map editor. Here you can see how it looks:

This time I built a giant map, 18*21, with a long course and lot of paved tiles. It's a map thought for a difficult enemy wave, so I started working on that too, and you can find the result in the previous post..

Here's the custom map code to copy and paste into the game.


You can find all the UO:Dender content i developed here:

Let me know if you like it, and if you have request for new maps!!!

UO:Defender slightly stronger enemy wave

I've created my first custom enemy wave for UO:Defender, adding some HP and number to the basic enemy wave. This should be a more interesting wave of enemies to play with medium or large maps.

Here's the code to copy and paste into the game:

28#slime#Slimes#poison#fire#true#false#false#false#false#2#20#25#1#1#slime#slimeenter#undefined@32#giantrat#Rats#poison#physical#true#false#false#false#false#2#18#28#1#1#giantrat#giantratenter#undefined@25#earthellie#Earth Elementals#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#18#46#2#2#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@36#skeleton#Skeletons#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#20#50#2#2#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@18#orc#Orc Grunts#physical#cold#false#false#false#false#false#2#20#60#2#2#orc#orcenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Shadow Elemental#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#1#13#580#15#30#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@40#orc2#Orcish Recruits#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#20#66#2#1#orc#orcenter#undefined@26#harpy#Harpy Swarm#cold#energy#false#false#false#true#true#2#28#60#2#2#harpy#harpyenter#undefined@20#earthellie#Earth Elementals#Physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#13#85#2#2#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@32#evilmage#Elemental Summoners#energy#physical#false#true#false#false#false#2#28#100#2#2#human#fireball#undefined@40#orc#Orc Marauders#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#12#95#3#3#orc#orcenter#undefined@6#ogre#Ogre Soldiers#physical#energy#false#false#true#false#false#2#135#600#15#18#ogre#ogreenter#undefined@70#headless#Lost headless#cold#physical#false#false#false#false#false#3#6#35#1#1#headless#headlessenter#false@32#harpy#Harpy Nesters#physical#cold#true#false#true#true#true#2#18#90#3#3#harpy#harpyenter#undefined@23#earthellie#Elder Earth Ellies#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#11#180#3#3#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@10#ogre#Ogre Invaders#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#false#1#120#1300#20#25#ogre#ogreenter#true@1#earthellie#Copper Elemental#energy#physical#false#true#true#true#false#1#30#1800#100#200#ogre#earthellieenter#true@50#skeleton#Walking Dead#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#15#200#5#5#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@42#headless#Really Lost Headless#cold#energy#false#false#false#false#false#3#18#150#4#4#headless#headlessenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Agapite Elemental#energy#physical#false#false#true#true#false#1#22#3800#200#200#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@30#skeleton#Skeletal Scouts#cold#fire#false#false#true#false#false#2#18#250#5#5#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@35#skeletalknight#Skeletal Knights#cold#fire#false#false#true#false#false#2#30#400#5#5#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@46#earthellie#Giant Earth Ellies#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#18#400#7#7#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@46#earthellie#More Earth Ellies#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#10#400#7#7#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@30#harpy#Enraged Harpies#physical#energy#false#false#false#true#true#3#22#300#6#6#harpy#harpyenter#false@40#skeleton2#Skeletal Warriors#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#28#400#6#6#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@10#earthellie#Copper Elementals#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#1#98#2000#50#50#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@48#orccaptain#Orcish Legion#physical#cold#false#false#false#false#false#2#14#350#7#7#orc#orcenter#false@50#zombie#Zombie Warriors#poison#fire#true#false#true#false#false#1#12#850#8#8#zombie#zombieenter#false@1#earthellie#Verite elemental#energy#physical#false#true#true#true#false#1#12#6600#80#100#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@35#skeleton2#Elite Skeletons#cold#fire#true#false#true#false#false#2#30#500#8#8#skeleton#skeletonenter#false@50#earthellie#Shadow Elementals#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#16#400#9#9#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@10#orccaptain#Orcish Legion Elite#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#1#112#2600#60#60#orc#orcenter#true@68#earthellie#Trained Elemental Army#physical#energy#true#true#false#false#false#4#11#350#4#4#earthellie#earthellieenter#false@1#earthellie#Valorite Elemental#physical#energy#false#true#true#true#false#1#12#15500#200#305#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@

Play it with a custom map, and have fun! Comments appreciated!
I've not yet found any user generated content for Ultima Online Defender, if you find any please tell me!

mercoledì 28 novembre 2007

Come cucinare il puerco pibil e come trovare gli ingredienti!

English version available here

Alla fine l’ho rifatto, e stavolta è andata decisamente meglio. Parlo del Puerco Pibil, il piatto messicano mostrato dal caro Robert Rodriguez nella “scuola di cucina in 10 minuti” presente negli extra del dvd “C’era una volta in Messico”.
Ecco il video originale di Rodriguez:

ed ecco la ricetta che il nostro regista ci da:

5 cucchiai di semi di annato
2 cucchiaini di semi di cumino
1 cucchiaino di semi di pepe nero
8 semi di “allspice” (pepe giamaicano)
½ cucchiaino di chiodi di garofano

Tritare in un tritaspezie (o tritacaffe)

2 peperoncini habanero (rimuovere i semi e tagliarli)
1/2 tazza di succo d’arancia
1/2 tazza di aceto bianco
2 cucchiai di sale
8 spicchi d’aglio

Combinare gli ingredienti con il mix di spezie e frullarli
Aggiungere il succo di 5 limoni, e un goccio della migliore tequila.

Tagliare 2.2 kg di spalla di maiale in cubi dal lato di 5 cm. Inserire la carne e la salsa in un sacchetto da freezer, chiudere e sbattere bene. Lasciare a riposare in frigo per alcune ore (almeno 5-6)

Preparare una terrina con le foglie di banana. Aggiungere il porco, e ulteriori foglie in cima. Chiudere bene con carta d’alluminio, in modo che non esca vapore.

Far cuocere per 4 ore a 175° e servire con riso.

Il piatto è facile da cucinare e non prende poi tanto tempo. Ma la carne deve stare a marinare per ore, e la cottura dura 4 ore. Si può quindi cominciare la mattina per mangiare la sera, o meglio la sera per la sera dopo.

Il problema principale sono gli ingredienti. Molti sono difficili da recuperare, in particolare le foglie di banana, i semi di annato, i semi di all spice e i peperoncini habanero. In Italia sognatevi le foglie già pronte per la cucina, ma le piante di banane non sono difficili da trovare, e bastano poche foglie per dare quel particolare aroma che, non lo nego, fa la sua parte. I semi di Annato sono abbastanza rintracciabili in negozi di spezie o di prodotti etnici. Ne ho sempre trovati da "Surgelati dal Mondo" in corso 22 Marzo, a Milano. Gli all spice (o pepe giamaicano, o pimientas gordas) non li ho mai avvistati in Italia, ma li ho comprati per caso in un mercato a cielo aperto in Repubblica Dominicana. Anche gli Habanero sono difficili da trovare, pare che la soluzione migliore sia coltivarseli (e ci sto pensando). Li ho rimpiazzati con dei fortissimi peperoncini africani.

Per realizzare la ricetta, il trita spezie è fondamentale. Le spezie vanno tritate per bene per ottenere il sapore e l’odore giusto. Un tritacaffè va benissimo (ma non usatelo per il caffè), e costa circa 20 euro.
Anche la scelta della carne è importante. La spalla di solito non ha un grande aspetto, ma vi assicuro che è quello che ci vuole.

Rodriguez mette 5 limoni, ma sono dannatamente troppi! La prima volta sapeva solo di limone. Io li ridurrei a 2-3. Non dimenticatevi lo splash di tequila, e procuratevela per tempo.

Dopo aver marinato la carne, preparate la casseruola con le foglie di banana e la carta d’alluminio. Coprite la carne con altre foglie e chiudete per bene. Poi non aprite, non guardate.. Al massimo annusate che non stia bruciando..

Dopo 4 ore di bridge, servite con riso. Il riso serve perché gli habanero picchiano.. e buon appetito!

Aggiunta: link a una discussione con suggerimenti e una ricetta alternativa!
Forum Peperonciniamoci

martedì 27 novembre 2007

Iphone contest from apple Lounge

Why not try to win an iPhone ?

Try this interesting contest from the apple lounge!

venerdì 23 novembre 2007

Antipixel World's Bigger Page (By SaguaroVideo)

Saguaro Video's blog is promoting a great initiative I'm going to support: the creation of the world's biggest antipixel page.

Antipixels are tiny little 15x80 banner, that can link to your page or blog.
Here you can find the latest post in italian from Debe, the page creator.

And here's my english version:

Why should you partecipate to the page?

* To create an antipixel and send it you need less than five minutes
* You gain a free link to you're site/blog
* Yes, you're right, a free backlink!
* It's not a link exchange. Promoting the initiative is appreciated, but not required, we don't ask you to put any link.
* Yes, no link back required!
* It's not only for blog but for every kind of site, commercial sites included
* This could help your site pagerank!
* This could generate traffic towards your page!
* No contraindications!


To have your antipixel in the world biggest dedicated page:
Send an email to ildebe [at] with "antipixel" as object.
Insert the link to the page you want to referr and the link to the image (if you don't know where to upload it, you can use flickr or imageshack).
To create an antipixel you can use online services like Pixelbutton, Brilliant Button, Button Maker.. Or you can draw it yourself with an image editing software. Remeber it has to be 15 x 80 pixel!!
Between the participants, we can find Daveblog e Julius Design.

My impression:

It's a simple and nice thing to do.. Building an antipixel is fine and you can use it in many ways.. A free backlink always sounds good, and if the page has success, this can mean a good traffic. Personally I already received 20 clicks to JJescalante. So send your antipixels, and spread the news!

giovedì 15 novembre 2007

How to cook Rodriguez's Puerco Pibil and how to find ingredients!

italian version here

I finally did it again, and this time I did it right. It's puerco pibil, the dish that Robert Rodriguez shows in his "ten minutes cooking school" in the extras of "Once upon a time in mexico" DVD. And I'm writin
Here is mr Rodriguez orginal explanation.

and here's the recipe Rodriguez gives:

5 whole table spoons of annato seeds
2 whole tea spoons of cumin seeds
1 tea spoon peppercorns
8 whole allspice seeds
½ whole tea spoon cloves

Grind the above in a spice mill/coffee grinder.

2 habanero chiles, stems and seeds removed, chopped
1/2 cup orange juice
1/2 cup white vinegar
2 table spoones salt
8 cloves garlic

Combine the above with the spice mix in a blender, and puree.
Add the Juice of 5 lemons, and splash of the finest tequila.

Cut cut into 2-inch cubes 5 pounds of pork butt. Combine all ingredients in a zip-lock bag and shake well. Let it rest in fridge for some hours (at leasst 5-6).

Line a 9x13 pan with banana leaves; add the pork mixture; fold over the leaves to cover, then cover tightly with foil.

Bake 4 hours at 325 fahreneith (175 celsius) and serve over rice.

The dish is not hard to cook, and it doesn't take much working time. But you need some hours to MARINARE the meat and 4 hours to cook it. So you can make it the morning for the evening (or if you use to sleep at morning, the night for the evening).

The main problem is to find all ingredients. Expecially it's hard to find banana leaves, annato seeds all spice seeds and habanero peppers. Here in Italy Banana plants are not hard to find, expecially in the country. You can use just some leaves (they're big) with tin foil, and you'll get that special flavour and appareance. Annato seeds aren't hard to find in spice or ethinc shops, while all seeds and habanero are. A place in Milan where you can find Annato is "Surgelati dal Mondo" in corso 22 Marzo. I've been able to find All Spice in a market in Dominican Republic, but I've never seen them in Italy. Habanero are hard to find too, and I've been forced to replace them with some very strong african chili peppers.

For what concern the recipe, a coffee grinder is exential. You need to spices them well to have the good flavour. The meat is important too. Use pork butt, no second choice.
Rodriguez recipe uses the juice of five lemons. That's definitely too much! I think 2-3 can be the right amount! Don't forget the splash of Tequila, and put the meat to rest.

After the right amount of time, prepare your CASSERUOLA with tin foil and Banana Leaves. Put the meat inside, cover with leaves, and fix well with foil. Put it in the Oven at 175 Celsius, and leave it alone for 4 hours. Don't open it, don't watch it too much.. Just smell it if you're worried.

Serve with rice, since if you use the right amount of chili, it's gonna be really strong. And now it's time to taste!

venerdì 9 novembre 2007

UO:Defender Editor Map2 Medium (14*19)

here is another map for UO:Defender, a fantasy based defense game.

This is a medium map, 14*19 and with only some tiles paved. It's not hard, but all depends on the enemy waves! It's obviously made with UO:Defender Editor.

Here's the code to copy and paste into the game.


You can find the basic enemy wave in my previous post, with my first map (13*13 map).

Let me know if you like it and if you want new custom maps!

venerdì 26 ottobre 2007

UO:Defender Editor Map1 (13*13)

My last time wasting game is UO:Defender, a fantasy based defense game.

The game features a level editor, but it's a bit hard to use, and I haven't found a resource for custom maps. So I'll post my own here. It's a very easy map, smallest size (13*13), lots of tactical spots and no "annoying" tiles to pave.

Here's the code to past into UO: Defender to play this map. I used the standard enemy waves.. If I have more time to waste I'll work on that too!


To retrieve the code (it's a very long line), just highlight it with your mouse, or triple click!

Edit: here the basic code for enemy waves:

28#slime#Slimes#poison#fire#true#false#false#false#false#2#20#25#1#1#slime#slimeenter#undefined@32#giantrat#Rats#poison#physical#true#false#false#false#false#2#18#28#1#1#giantrat#giantratenter#undefined@25#earthellie#Earth Elementals#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#18#46#2#2#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@36#skeleton#Skeletons#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#20#50#2#2#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@18#orc#Orc Grunts#physical#cold#false#false#false#false#false#2#20#60#2#2#orc#orcenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Shadow Elemental#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#1#13#580#15#30#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@40#orc2#Orcish Recruits#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#20#66#2#1#orc#orcenter#undefined@26#harpy#Harpy Swarm#cold#energy#false#false#false#true#true#2#28#60#2#2#harpy#harpyenter#undefined@20#earthellie#Earth Elementals#Physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#13#85#2#2#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@32#evilmage#Elemental Summoners#energy#physical#false#true#false#false#false#2#28#100#2#2#human#fireball#undefined@40#orc#Orc Marauders#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#12#95#3#3#orc#orcenter#undefined@6#ogre#Ogre Soldiers#physical#energy#false#false#true#false#false#2#135#600#15#18#ogre#ogreenter#undefined@70#headless#Lost headless#cold#physical#false#false#false#false#false#3#6#35#1#1#headless#headlessenter#undefined@32#harpy#Harpy Nesters#physical#cold#true#false#true#true#true#2#18#90#3#3#harpy#harpyenter#undefined@23#earthellie#Elder Earth Ellies#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#11#180#3#3#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@7#ogre#Ogre Invaders#physical#fire#false#false#false#false#false#1#120#1300#20#16#ogre#ogreenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Copper Elemental#energy#physical#true#true#true#true#false#1#30#1800#30#40#earthellies#earthellieenter#undefined@50#skeleton#Walking Dead#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#16#200#5#5#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@42#headless#Really Lost Headless#cold#energy#false#false#false#false#false#3#18#150#4#4#headless#headlessenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Agapite Elemental#energy#physical#true#false#true#true#false#1#22#3800#45#50#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@26#skeleton#Skeletal Scouts#cold#fire#false#false#true#false#false#2#18#225#5#5#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@28#skeletalknight#Skeletal Knights#cold#fire#false#false#true#false#false#2#18#285#5#5#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@46#earthellie#Giant Earth Ellies#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#18#310#7#7#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@46#earthellie#More Earth Ellies#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#18#310#7#7#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@28#harpy#Enraged Harpies#physical#energy#false#false#false#true#true#3#22#220#6#6#harpy#harpyenter#undefined@40#skeleton2#Skeletal Warriors#cold#fire#false#false#false#false#false#2#28#320#6#6#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@8#earthellie#Copper Elementals#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#1#98#2000#50#50#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@48#orccaptain#Orcish Legion#physical#cold#false#false#false#false#false#2#14#300#7#7#orc#orcenter#undefined@34#zombie#Zombie Warriors#poison#fire#true#false#true#false#false#1#12#800#8#8#zombie#zombieenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Verite elemental#energy#physical#true#true#true#true#false#1#12#6600#80#100#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@28#skeleton2#Elite Skeletons#cold#fire#true#false#true#false#false#2#30#400#8#8#skeleton#skeletonenter#undefined@43#earthellie#Shadow Elementals#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#2#16#400#9#9#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@10#orccaptain#Orcish Legion Elite#physical#energy#false#false#false#false#false#1#112#2600#60#60#orc#orcenter#undefined@68#earthellie#Trained Elemental Army#physical#energy#true#true#false#false#false#4#10#180#4#4#earthellie#earthellieenter#undefined@1#earthellie#Valorite Elemental#physical#energy#true#true#true#true#false#1#12#15500#200#305#earthellie#earthellieenter#true@

Enjoy playing, and tell me if you find some UO:Defender editor map resource around!!

giovedì 25 ottobre 2007

First ebene Ivoire video

here is a better embed (I've been playing with size to hide the white background).

The video is my first "serious" production: Ebene Ivoire song "Ide Mada Odo Sakli am. This music video has been filmed by me, Warguiza and Ive, and I've been helped by Alibricca and JJ Escalante for the production.

I know the video has some flows and can be improved.. I'd appreciate any kind of comment.. And maybe I'd put back to work!

lyrics and mp3 of the song

martedì 16 ottobre 2007

Youtube post to blog.

Here is how google's service Youtube posts to google's service Blogger.

Ahi ahi..

This is horrible.. wrong size, wrong background color.. It's your blog google! I'd expect something better!

I'd add: no tag options, and bad multiple blogger account handling!

edit: blog layout has been changed, so now the video player fits.

mercoledì 3 ottobre 2007

let's embed it

to see how youtube calculates links ;)

domenica 30 settembre 2007

Babelfish and the music industry.. non amo tua ragazza...

Yesterday "opening party" at oratorio san gregorio (Milan) offered some interesting musical moment, including elisa and cecco's version of Ebane Ivoire "Les Oiseaux"...

But what astonished me was the italian version of Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend:

here an extract of the italian version of the text:

Hey! Hey! You! You!
¡No, no, no!
Hey! Hey! You! You!
Sarò la tua ragazza!

Hey! Hey! You! You!
So che ti piaccio
No way! No way!
Non è un segreto
Hey! Hey! Watashi!
Sarò la tua ragazza!

Apart from the fact that only the chorus is translated and the rest is in english, 2 sentences of five have no meaning in italian!
I think babelfish would have a better result.. At least being more polite..

Anyway, if you can stand it and you wanna have some fun.. here are all languages!

giovedì 20 settembre 2007

EtourCamp & Cultural treasure hunt

Looks like I'll be going to a BARCAMP.

It's the eTourCamp in Lugano, about ITCs (ok!) and Tourism (hmm...).. I've been invited with my course mate by professor Cantoni..

Participating in a BarCamp seems interesting, but I have no idea of what to present.. And I'm afraid that everyone should present something!

This summer I visited my cousin in Cameroun, not a very touristic place indeed.. I should find something about that!

The barCamp is also connected to a "Cultural Treasure Hunt" around in the city of Lugano, trough its wonderful places and monuments. "Helps will be given by the system trough the portables devices of the participants.".. I'll think about that too.. At least I don't have to be prepared.. And I'll see some new spot in Lugano..

lunedì 10 settembre 2007

come dice il sondaggio..

here's a new feature!
this time from Youtube..

let's see how this looks

sabato 23 giugno 2007

Blonde Redhead in Milan

Here's the list of songs I knew at the 20th june 2007 concert at Rolling Stone, Milan. I'm not good at remembering songs titles, so I'll write down the lyrics that helped me retrieve 'em.

  • Falling man ..I know a ghost can walk through the walls, but I'm just a man still learning how to fall..
  • Equus ..Adore you..
  • In particular
  • Melody of certain Three ..All is Well..
  • Misery is a Butterfly
  • Melody

All other song were from the new Album, thus unknown to me..
This reminds me of the musical sites than I'd like to build.. And about merging them.. But I haven't time to talk about 'em now..

domenica 17 giugno 2007

Le poste fanno spam!

Ogni giorno ricevo sul mio account mail (che purtroppo non posso permettermi di abbandonare) un buon numero di mail provenienti dalle poste italiane.

Un classico caso di Phishing, su cui c'e' poco da dire (a parte che i filtri di libero fanno schifo). Ma sperimentando con Google Adwords (per la promozione del blog di paolo) ho scoperto che le poste stesse stanno facendo campagne pubblicitarie equiparabili a "spam" sul motore di ricerca.. Provate a cercare "canzoni dal cameroun" (o da qualunque altro paese). Ripetendo la ricerca prima o poi verrà fuori il seguente Ad:
Che porta all'home page delle poste italiane, che con la musica, le canzoni e il Cameroun non ha nulla a che fare..

Ora, non sto seguendo molto la questione e non so che cosa stian facendo le poste per contrastare il phishing e difendere la propria reputazione. Ma una campagna ingannatoria del genere non mi sembra molto utile né allo scopo promozionale né a preservare un'autorevolezza come istituzione..

mercoledì 13 giugno 2007

Troubles with google strike

I read in my Google Reader that bloggers are experimenting a Strike "against" Google. I think Cantoni and Fare talked about that at lessons. I don't even rember if the strike is today, and what the rules are, but, even if I'm not a blogger this is what I'm trying to do:

avoid searching with google, msn, yahoo and ask for 24 hours.

I figured out how difficult that is. I instantly declined the idea of striking on all of google's stuff. I use gmail as main address, and I need Google Docs for University Projects and work.
Avoiding just the web search is surprisingly hard. When I'm looking for something, I use firefox provided search. Obviously google based. Moreover, I have a lot of websearch to do for a project in the university.

The first altenative engine I tought of was ChaCha, where live guides can serch for you (yes, real person). I used it to search the 100 alternative search engine suggested by the post, and I checked them. I found in the article many intresting examples for specific uses, but nothing for the fast searches I needed to do. The 100 list followed and I tried some random one, but none seemed to fit my needs. The best one sent me on Google results page for my query, brutally interrupting my strike. So i keeped searching with ChaCha text based interface (full of sponsored results), and bothering some guide with my questions about university in various country.

I'd like to put some link for you, but I'm late with my homework..and I don't like the idea of searching those for you ;) So.. go search yourself..and don't use google! If you find something useful for helping me with my strike, you're welcome!

venerdì 8 giugno 2007

Sand Blog: linking to Chris Blackeby

Chris Blackeby: A Pictorial Whirwhind Catch Up Thing

trying again with the "link to this post" functionality..
Link to the former post is not on Chris page.
Chris did you remove me? Sorry for practicing with your page, but it's the first link to this post i found available!
Maybe the problem is my blog public state wasn't set yet

domenica 3 giugno 2007


as the title says, this blog is meant to experiment with blogspot functionalities, widgets and adSense.
I'm afraid you won't find much of interest at the moment, but maybe one day..

site by  wellD, web-communication, Lugano